Why there is a need for parents to learn Arabic language to support thier kids at home?

Why there is a need for parents to learn Arabic language to support thier kids at home?

I heard your voices, concerns & worries of giving the best for your kids.
But not sure how to start? No Arabic background? Has Arabic background but it has been a long time & has no confident to teach Arabic?

Some key points that play important role as a parent to support this Arabic learning at home:

✅ Effective Communication:
Learning Arabic enables parents to communicate more effectively with their children, even simple conversations work!
This strengthens the parent-child bond and fosters clearer understanding and emotional connection within the family.

✅ Curriculum Understanding:
Enrolling our children in Madrasah does not mean we are giving the job solely to the Asatizah. But as parents, we need to know and understand their curriculum. Grasp the basic knowledge of Arabic language somehow could help the kids.

Simple vocabs like colours, numbers etc.

✅ Academic Support:
Proficiency in Arabic allows parents to actively engage in their children's education by assisting with homework, projects, and communication with teachers. This involvement enhances academic success and encouragement to the kids to keep moving on and achieve their best in learning.

More sharings& tips from my Arabic lecturer , Associate Professor Dr Azlan Shaiful Baharum in this June Holiday to fellow Muslim Singaporean Parents insyaAllah.

➡️ Grab this opportunity of the early bird by 20 May!

Spread the words to more young parents, parents-to-be or anyone who wanna learn Arabic but need more tips! This programme is for YOU! 😊


Norhidayah MN


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